Seminars on Management – Prof. Dr. Serdar Salih Durmuşoğlu
Seminars on Management series, organized by Kadir Has University Department of Business Administration, is hosting Prof. Dr. Serdar Salih Durmuşoğlu on Wednesday, November 23. You can follow Prof. Durmuşoğlu’s talk titled “Marketing Strategy Decision Making in New Product Development: Moderation by Information Time Sensitivity and Analyzability” on Zoom.
Abstract: Research on market information use in product innovation suggests that firms utilize two key strategic decision-making processes: incremental and comprehensive. Drawing from organizational information processing theory, literature implies that these processes operate differently. However, this assumption remains untested. Moreover, the degree to which a comprehensive process affects the innovation strategy outcomes depends on market information time sensitivity and analyzability. To-date, no study has tested these assertions, either. Finally, it is suggested that meaningful market strategy is a key driver of new product success and it is important to understand how decision-making processes influence it under differing time sensitivity and analyzability. Based on survey data from 250 Chinese firms, we use structural equation modeling to test our hypotheses. The results generally support our contentions. More specifically, marketing strategy outcomes are influenced by marketing strategy incrementality (MSI) and marketing strategy comprehensiveness (MSC) differently. Further, time sensitivity moderates the effect of both MSI and MSC on outcomes, except for the effect of MSI on decision quality. Finally, analyzability moderates the relationships between decision making processes and certain strategy outcomes such as between MSI and meaningfulness.